Oliver's Mount 2025

Classic and Vintage outfit discussion, including Where are they now, the people hunter.
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Lapping the Tail Enders
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Oliver's Mount 2025

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Now that all the Christmas and New Year festivities are well and truly over and it is only a matter of a few weeks before the racing season starts again the time for planning race meetings for 2025 has arrived.

The dates to be aware of for the Oliver’s Mount meetings are as follows:

June 21/22 - Cock O’ The North…..F2 Sidecars (including pre-injection)
Note: For those teams competing in the FSRA F2 Championship this is the weekend that the cancelled Anglesey round would have been run, so Oliver’s Mount would be a fantastic substitute.

July 19/20 - The Barry Sheene Festival….. Classic & Post-Classic sidecars only.
Note: In the past some classic teams have said they would only enter at Oliver’s Mount if there was going to be a full grid but the entries have to be put in to ensure there are the numbers required for a full grid. Maybe if classic teams could give an indication of their willingness to enter for this meeting then the necessary classes and arrangements can be made.

September 13/14 – Steve Henshaw Gold Cup….. F2 Sidecars (including pre-injection)

Please be aware that all competitors, including passengers, do need a national licence to be eligible to race at the above meetings, as for all real road race meetings.

For more information, answers to any questions or to register an interest in entering a meeting contact Andy or Wendy Hayes, Tel: 01723 333321, Email: office@oliversmount.com

Or if you prefer, in the first instance, you can message me (Dan Clark) and I will get back to you.

Stop Press: It is very likely that the meetings at Oliver’s Mount will be televised this year, so if you want to see yourself doing your stuff and impress your sponsors with television exposure now is your chance.

For those interested there are also two Hill Climb events which are run on sections of the race circuit. These will be held on the weekends of May 3/4 and August 16/17

There is also a round of the GB Supermoto Championship on August 23/24

Oliver’s Mount website: https://oliversmount.com/
Proud and honoured to be a member of Team Past It.
With age comes wisdom, maturity and responsibility.............unless you race sidecars !
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