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Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 3:02 pm

Re: Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 3:31 pm
by ianw
TZ motor in a Renwick, not sure who or where though?
On second thoughts, that might be George O'Dell testing the "Renwick Copy" he built, I had the Copy bike that George built.
If it is, I would say it was George testing the bike at Circuit Paul Ricard????

Re: Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:39 pm
The Odell Copy is now in the hands of John Phillips.

Re: Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:46 pm
by ianw
I gave it to a guy from the Derby area, he had it on the condition that he restored it.

Re: Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:06 pm
by tonybsa2008
Nice to know it has survived,would be nice to see it tho.

Re: Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:34 pm
by ianw
Year, 1974-75.

Re: Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 4:51 pm
Not restored yet.

Re: Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:06 pm
by ianw
A big job Michel, given the condition it was in when I bought it in 1993. Sad how someone can let a bike deteriorate like that, & given it's history.
Was it Paul Richard? I'd now say 1975?

Re: Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 8:11 am
I have not idea where the Pic was taken, they were passed on to me by a fellow Renwickiste. Due to the astronomical price of TZ motors John Phillips is considering fitting a Konig. I have asked Kermit to paint his in the BP colours.

Re: Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 9:04 am
by ianw
Not long after I bought the outfit, I was talking to Stu Applegate & he told me he was at Paul Ricard when George was testing the outfit. That's why I went for Paul Richard.
I'll post a reply tonight on what I know of the outfit, how I came to get it & why I gave it to John.

Re: Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:06 pm
by John Hartell
Yes,it's George O'dell and passenger Alan Gosling.

Re: Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 5:11 pm
by ianw
Hi Michel, the first time I came across George's Renwick copy was in 1976, we were racing at Cadwell Park & the outfit was in the scrutineer area.
It wasn't painted in BP Yellow & Green but a different colour, George definitely wasn't riding it, not sure who the driver was, I'll see if I can dig the race programme out.( It was a Cheshire Motorcycle Racing Club meeting organised by Chris Arthur).
I thought, that's different, I'd never seen a Renwick with the fairings off so didn't recognise it as George's or a Renwick.
In 1993, there was a rolling chassis advertised in the MCN, I think the advert went, ex George O'Dell centre hub steered chassis for sale with fairings & four exhausts. No engine.
I rang the guy but he didn't know much about the bike except that George O'Dell owned it. I just took it that it was George's Renwick Konig.
As it happened, 2 Konig engines were also for sale in the MCN down in London so I also bought them. We headed off to London & picked the Konig engines up then headed to South Wales to collect the rolling chassis & bits. Got to the address & we were taken into the back garden, there was a chassis with Renwick body work, a Seymaz fairing & spare wheels all left out in the elements without a cover. The guy said it had been there for 10 years.
The guy said he was selling the outfit for a friend. When I saw the engine bed it was obvious it was'nt for a Konig engine & the expansion chambers & silencers looked TZ. There were 3 wheels fitted to the outfit & 3 with wets on. The wheels were 13" magnesium Minilights, quite badly corroded but hopefully usable. I then membered the outfit that I'd seen at Cadwell Park. So I bought the lot he was advertising.
Got the bike back home & started going over it. The chassis wasn't too badly corroded but the exhausts had had it, the body work was also knackered, the fibreglass de laminating & also the Seymaz fairing, so that also got junked.
I rang John Renwick & told him what I'd bought & that I was after new body work. To say he wasn't happy with George was an understatement.
George had had hubs cast from John's moulds without asking John's permission, etc, etc.
To cut a long story short, I never got round to restoring the bike so I advertised it as free to a good home to be restored, I was inundated with offers.
That's how John came to have the chassis.
I'd see George at Kenny Arthurs now & a gain when he came up, he never ever mentioned the Renwick Copy chassis he'd built.
I sold the 2 Konig engines to Jack Woods from Leeds, the farther of John Woods the machining maestro.
Jack sadly isn't with us any more but I'm sure at the time John mentioned that Jack, beside having a ruck of Konig engines also has 2 Renwick outfits??

Re: Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:12 pm
by tonybsa2008
Before the Tz engine,did George Odell ever have a Konig engine in this chassis,or a Renwick chassis?Seem to recall a pic of him on one in his book?I could be wrong,been a while since I read the book.

Re: Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:18 pm
by ianw
George raced a Konig in a John Renwick chassis, he then built his Renwick copy with the TZ engine in it.

Re: Who, When, Where and What

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 8:14 pm
Renwick told me in 2012 that Odell sold the Konig outfit to buy a TZ motor and short of cash built his own chassis.