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Joanna Whisker

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:46 pm
by Bob B
Any ideas anyone? Jo used to passenger for her husband Alf until an almighty off at Brands left he wheelchair bound, believe that they are now divorced.

Re: Joanna Whisker

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:00 pm
by mum e
l occasionally here from Joanna, she is or was living in the Gravesend area. Have also seen Alf at some meetings. l think Bob it was Cadwell where she came off, she said that she never rolled and just went thud.

Re: Joanna Whisker

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:04 pm
by Bob B
Thanx Eve, Gravesend would be right

Re: Joanna Whisker

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:08 pm
by the gobshite
I thought she was his sister ?

I think they lived in Istead rise or meopham, i went there once about 20 years ago with my dad to get something electrical fixed by alf

Re: Joanna Whisker

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:03 pm
by fish
We still have contact with Joanna via Christmas cards, when she updates us with all her news. She is doing impressive stuff as a writer and journalist. She is still in that area of Kent. We saw Alf at one of the Lydden Burn-Ups a few years ago - I believe he fitted the tannoy system.
Mum-E is correct. We had some good 'scraps' with Alf and Jo at Snett and Cadwell and good times after the racing. Happy memories.

Re: Joanna Whisker

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:09 pm
by TerryMcg
Bob, I think people get confused with Alf and Jo's terrible bang into the bridge a Cadwell and a first lap pull up to Paddock at Brands when they went airborne upside down after hitting Darren and myself when we shot away from the start and suddenly lost propulsion giving Alfie nowhere to go except into the pipes that were alongside darrens leg.

I believe that Glenn ended up passengering Alfie for a while.

Didn't Alfie passenger a Kawasaki for someone before changing a platform for kneeler trays?

Re: Joanna Whisker

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:51 pm
by ronno
TerryMcg wrote: Didn't Alfie passenger a Kawasaki for someone before changing a platform for kneeler trays?
Yes,in 79 at least,with Paul Cooper,from Chatham

Re: Joanna Whisker

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:21 pm
by Bob B
Terry McG is right, it was that awful hit at Paddock and the armco. I had a first class view as I was flag marshal at the ambulance gate at the top of Paddock that day.

Re: Joanna Whisker

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:57 pm
by Yangi
Oh how unhappy memories can also bring back fond moments of people.

I remember Alf & Jo's big Crash at Brands, I was driving then and just got around Darren & Terry on the other side I think ....that must have been 1982?

And I remember Alf & Jo's crash at Cadwell in 84. I was passengering for Ray Gardner (no, I not sure why either...) and we were just behind when they crashed. It seemed such an innocuous incident - although not nice. But we were all shocked at Jo's injuries.

Have seen Alf at Lydden over the years, but not seen Jo for ages. Would be good to catch up again if she still around Gravesend area. :)