Cock 'O The North Meeting at Oliver's Mount 20/21 July

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Lapping the Tail Enders
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Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:13 pm
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Cock 'O The North Meeting at Oliver's Mount 20/21 July

Unread post by Dan »

With the Barry Sheene Festival still to run on 15/16 June and full grids throughout, the Regs/Entry Forms are now out for the Cock ‘O The North meeting on 20/21 July. Closing date for entries is 18 June but don’t wait until the last minute or you may miss out on a place on the grid.

Some of you may have put off entering for the Barry Sheene meeting because of the close timescale to the Pre-TT and TT so now is your chance to test your skills and machines at Oliver’s Mount, England’s only real-road race circuit, by entering the Cock ‘O The North meeting.

Regs and entry forms here:

Remember: This offer still stands for 2-stroke Solos and all Sidecars:
Oliver's Mount is steeped in history and we want to see 2-Stroke Bikes and F2, Classic and Post Classic Sidecars keep their place in Road Racing and not die out.
For the 2024 Season, we will award all 2-Stroke riders and F2/Classic/Post Classic Sidecar teams that complete all their races over the weekend a £50 finishers credit towards their next Oliver's Mount race weekend.
Proud and honoured to be a member of Team Past It.
With age comes wisdom, maturity and responsibility.............unless you race sidecars !
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